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W. Brent Swain, NCARB, LEED AP

Our philosophy: "Living it forward" | Our Pledge:

The Owner and Users should achieve their needs and desires within their budget, and should achieve optimal return on investment through energy savings and natural design.  The local and world ecology should not be degraded but supported, and our grandchildren should have not less but more though our stewardship.  If we succeed at those values, we have helped achieve the dream for all ... and we have achieved ours.

(Be sure to visit our Design Projects and Energy Consulting pages for samples of our work.
 Click on the radio buttons to see the design drawings.)

Architectural Design Services

Whether you need help with an institutional, commercial or residential design, we are here for you; no project is too large or too small. Go to the Design Projects page to see sample Construction Documents for each project. See below for an explanation of BIM and passive-solar design

Energy Consulting Services

Whether you are an Owner or an Architect wanting to make your home or building project as energy-efficient as possible, we are here to help. See our Energy Consulting page for explanations of our services.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

"Building Information Modeling (BIM)" software allows the building to be "built" or simulated in 4D (3D plus animation) prior to construction. Building exteriors and interiors can be visualized and cost and performance data analyzed to ensure the design meets all project needs and requirements.

Passive-Solar Illustrated

Passive-Solar Design, Winter

Passive-solar design is essentially design-with-nature.  Because the sun rides lower in the sky during the winter if you are facing South (i.e. in the Northern hemisphere), winter solar gain (sun-heat) comes directly into the home through South-facing windows.  As long as that heat is exposed to interior "thermal mass" such as ceramic tile over concrete or other dense materials, the daytime internal heat can build up and be released gradually as the home gets colder at nighttime.

Monty Sun Study, Winter




Passive-Solar Design, Summer

Air-conditioning systems are sized based on the "peak cooling load." A building will have its highest peak load during the hottest of the summer afternoon hours as solar gain builds up inside.  A well insulated home can repel much of that heat; passive-solar strategies can additionally manage that heat naturally by shifting the peak load to the evening hours while the outdoor temperature is falling. All that is needed is a sheltering overhang over each South-facing window to prohibit direct summertime solar gain.  Insulation (conservation) and passive-solar strategies can be balanced to find the optimal mix of energy cost, comfort, and daylight/views for a more "natural" architectural experience.

Monty Sun Study, Summer

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